The Gracefield Incident (2015) Movie Trailer #2 - Found-Footage Horror Thriller Alien movie

Thanks to DreadCentral, here we have is the second official trailer of the upcoming supernatural horror thriller/Found-footage alien movie 'The Gracefield Incident' .Watch and enjoy! #TheGraceFieldIncident

There are so many things that our government, hell, all governments, never tell us. Are aliens real? What was the identity of the third shooter on the grassy knoll? Is my Xbox One's Kinect watching me as I twerk to the Halo soundtrack? We may never know. In any event...

Below you'll find the first trailer and artwork for The Gracefield Incident which was written, produced, edited, and directed by Mathieu Ratthe.

Based on the trailer, this extremely small-scale production successfully executes the look and feel of a much larger production. The film’s writer, producer, editor, director, and star, Mathieu Ratthe, explains to Dread Central, “After 24 months in Saguenay, Quebec, Canada, living in my parents basement, (where my Dad and I built a studio especially for this), I got it done.”

"On August 16, 2013, the Supreme Court mandated the CIA to declassify files that had been kept secret for the past 75 years. Visual records of documented paranormal events were released to the public. The following incident took place in Gracefield, Quebec."

The Executives Producers on the film are Bryan Turner, "Priority Records Founder", Pat Brisson, "Head of Hockey at CAA" and Sergei Fedorov, "Ex-NHLer and Future Hall of Famer". They believed in me and without their support, none of this would've been possible."

There are no details yet about the film’s release date.

Here's the movie poster below!

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